In compliance with obligations arising from national legislation (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 No. 196, Code concerning the protection of personal data, as updated by Legislative Decree 101/2018) and European Union law (European Regulation 2016/679, GDPR) and subsequent amendments, this website respects and protects the confidentiality of visitors and users, making every possible and proportionate effort to not infringe the rights of users.

This privacy policy applies exclusively to the online activities of this website and is valid for the visitors/users of the site.

The purpose of the privacy notice is to provide the utmost transparency regarding the information that the website collects and how it uses it.



This website independently collects and processes Personal Data, as defined by GDPR, either independently or through third parties, or voluntarily provided by the user, including:
• Internet Protocol (IP) address; Browser type and device parameters used to connect to the website; Name of the Internet Service Provider (ISP); Date and time of visit; Web page from which the visitor came (referral) and exited; Possibly the number of clicks. Cookies and Usage Data, collected through automatic processes;
The aforementioned information is processed automatically and is collected in an exclusively aggregated and pseudonymized form to verify the proper functioning of the website and for security reasons; such information will be processed based on the legitimate interests of the owner.

For security purposes (antispam filters, firewalls, virus detection), automatically recorded data may also include personal data such as the IP address, which could be used, in accordance with current laws, to block attempts to damage the website itself or to harm other users, or in any case harmful activities or activities constituting a crime. Such data is never used for the identification or profiling of the user but only for the protection of the website and its users; such information is processed based on the legitimate interests of the owner.

• Personal and identification data (section “contacts”) – these are voluntarily provided by the user and are not decisive for the operation of the website.
The possible use of Cookies – or other tracking tools – by this Website or third-party service providers used by this Application, unless otherwise specified, aims to provide the Service requested by the User, in addition to the other purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, to which reference is made.
The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through this Application and guarantees the right to communicate or disseminate them, releasing the Owner from any liability towards third parties.



The Data Controller adopts appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of Personal Data. Processing is carried out using computer and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, other parties involved internally or external subjects (such as third-party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) appointed as Data Processors by the Data Controller may have access to the Data.



The data collected by the website is processed by the Data Controller and is only handled by authorized technical personnel or appointed as an external data processing manager according to art. 28 EU Reg. 2016/679. The server hosting the website is located in Italy.

This website may share some of the data collected with services located outside the European Union area, always respecting the rights and guarantees provided by current legislation, pursuant to articles 44 and following of EU Reg. 2016/679.



The Data is processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected.

Personal Data collected for purposes related to the execution of the service requested by the User will be retained until the execution of that service is completed. With regard to any Personal Data collected for purposes based on the User’s consent, the Data Controller may retain the Personal Data for longer until such consent is revoked.

Furthermore, the Data Controller may be required to retain Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or an order from an authority. At the end of the retention period, Personal Data will be deleted. Therefore, at the expiration of that term, the right to access, deletion, rectification and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised.



The User’s Data is collected for the following purposes:
• to monitor the infrastructure;
• to contact the User in case of contact requests from them;



This website processes user data in a lawful and correct manner, adopting appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of data. Processing is carried out using computer and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logic strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the owner, in some cases, categories of officers involved in the organization of the website or external subjects (such as third-party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) may have access to the data.



Concerning their personal data, the interested party can exercise the rights provided for in articles 15 and following of the GDPR, specifically:

Right of access (art. 15) – the ability to obtain confirmation from the Data Controller as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, and if so, to access such data and certain information (specified in the cited article) about the data being processed. Right to rectification (art. 16) – the ability for the interested party to modify their data if they are inaccurate. Right to erasure (art. 17) – the possibility for the interested party to delete their data held by the owner when, for example, consent to processing is revoked or the pursued purpose is achieved or when the data is unlawful. Obviously, it will not always be possible to comply with the deletion request. This happens, for example, when the data is needed to comply with a legal obligation or is necessary for the defense of a right in a legal proceeding. Right to Object (art. 21) – the possibility to object to the processing is guaranteed when the legal basis is legitimate interest or the performance of a task in the public interest. This right also has its limits as there may be cases where the legitimate interest of the owner prevails over that of the interested party, fundamental will be to carry out the correct balance, or the processing is necessary for a task of public interest or the verification, the defense or the exercise of a right before a judge. Right to Data Portability (art. 20) – provides that, if processing is based on contract or consent, upon request, the interested party is provided with their personal data in a structured format readable by an automatic device (json, xml, csv), this right applies only to data spontaneously provided and not to those inferred or derived.

Right to Revocation (art. 7) – In the event of the subscription of any form of consent to the processing required by the Data Controller, it is noted that the interested party can revoke it at any time, subject to the mandatory requirements of current legislation at the time of the request for revocation.

To exercise these rights, simply write an email to the address indicated in the “contacts” section.



This Privacy Policy may be subject to changes over time – also related to the entry into force of new sector regulations, to the updating or provision of new services or to technological innovations – for which the User/Visitor is invited to consult periodically this page.



The present privacy policy is governed by Italian law and in particular by the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196, as updated by Legislative Decree 101/2018) and by the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679).

The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the Member State in which they habitually reside or work or the State in which the alleged infringement occurred.

All the aforementioned rights may be exercised by sending a specific request to the Data Controller through the contact channels indicated in this information.



The Data Controller is D E G GROUP S.R.L., having its registered office at Via Polvaries, 23 – 33030 Buja (UD). You can contact them by writing to the following email address:, or by calling 0432.975121.

Buja, 31/08/2023





A “cookie” is a simple text file that is downloaded onto your computer (or any other device used for browsing) to store information related to the navigation of a particular website. Cookies are downloaded from the web server hosting the website and by the browsers used by the end-user. These files then reside on the user’s device and are used/read during subsequent visits to the site.





This type of cookie allows the proper functioning of certain sections of the site. They can be of two types:

• Persistent: they are not destroyed once the browser is closed but remain until a predetermined expiration date
• Session: they are destroyed each time the browser is closed
These cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the website and will always be used and sent unless the user changes the settings in their browser.



Cookies in this category are used to collect information on the use of the site. These include web analytics cookies and those that save user customization choices.



This type of cookie incorporates features developed by third parties within the pages of the site, such as icons and preferences for sharing site content or for using third-party software services.



These cookies are necessary to create user profiles to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the site’s pages.



See Cookie Policy



Cookies can be restricted or blocked through specific browser settings. For cookie management, please follow the respective guidelines provided by different browser developers.



Due to the dynamic nature of the Web, it is not always possible to control cookies stored by third parties through a website.

Users are therefore asked to report to our contacts the presence of a cookie of this type not listed above.

We reserve the right to change the content of the information and the cookies listed at any time and without notice.